Camp Lejeune Cancer

Heavy Metals in Camp Lejeune Water Caused Serious Illness

Camp Lejeune Cancer

Camp Lejeune Cancer

For over 30 years, countless Marines, their families, and civilian workers were exposed to high levels of harmful chemicals and known carcinogens via drinking water at Camp Lejeune. These exposures have caused thousands of cases of cancer and other serious illnesses. Prior to the passage of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, persons affected by Camp Lejeune cancer were precluded from taking legal action against the federal government.

Passed in June 2022, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act allows those impacted by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to exercise their constitutional right to legal action against the U.S. government. On this page, you will find information on Camp Lejeune water contamination provided by attorneys handling Camp Lejeune cancer claims on behalf of dedicated servicemembers and their loved ones.

Camp Lejeune Cancer from Contaminated Drinking Water

Between 1953 and 1987, water supplies for barracks, daycare facilities, schools, hospitals, family housing, and temporary housing at Camp Lejeune were contaminated with volatile organiz compounds, benzene and other chemicals known to cause cancer. Water sources serving the Hadnot Point and Tarawa Terrace areas of the base were contaminated for over thirty years. Cancer-causing chemicals were found in water used by an estimated 900,000 people for drinking, cooking and bathing.

In total, 70 dangerous chemicals were detected in Camp Lejeune water, at levels ranging from 280 - 3400x allowable limits. Known to cause cancer, Camp Lejeune contaminants included benzene, a chemical found in gasoline as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as TCE (tricholoroethylene), an industrial degreaser, and PCE (perchloroethylene), a dry-cleaning solvent.

Camp Lejeune Carcinogens in Water

The toxic, cancer-causing chemicals found in the Camp Lejeune water have suspected origins both on and off the base. Benzene was traced to significant, verified leaks in underground fuel storage tanks. The presence of PCE resulted from an adjacent offbase drycleaning facility, which was improperly disposing of the chemical. TCE was routinely used on-base to clean military equipment. Countless service members, their families, and civilian workers have likely developed cancer as a result of their exposure to this contaminated water at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.

Types of Cancer from Camp Lejeune Water

Many cancer-causing chemicals were present in Camp Lejeune water for over 30 years. The Janey Ensminger Act was passed in 2012, to provide free medical care to those living with Camp Lejeune cancer and other illnesses. The act was named in memory of the daughter of a Marine stationed at Camp Lejeune, who was exposed to the contaminated water and died at the age of 9 of leukemia.

The water at Camp Lejeune was known to cause more than leukemia. The Camp Lejeune cancers include lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, esophageal cancer, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Marines who were stationed at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1987 were 10% more likely to die of cancer as compared to Marines stationed at Camp Pendleton. In addition, Camp Lejeune Marines faced a 68% higher risk of multiple myeloma, a 47% higher risk of Hodgkin's lymphoma, a 42% higher risk of liver cancer, and a 35% higher risk of kidney cancer.

Justice for Camp Lejeune Cancer Victims

Until recently, North Carolina law prevented the victims of the toxic Camp Lejeune water from filing a claim against the U.S. government. Now, thanks to the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (H.R. 2192), victims are allowed to exercise their constitutional right to legal action against the U.S. government for toxic water exposure on base. Dedicated servicemembers, veterans, and others harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune can now file a claim to seek compensation for damages.

Marines, their loved ones, and civilian workers were exposed to contaminated water for over 30 years at Camp Lejeune. Botched testing, slow investigations, and inaction from base officials, led to the toxic wells staying in use until 1987. Tragically, several attempts were made between 1982 and 1987 to bring awareness to the contaminated Camp Lejeune wells, but no decisive action to close wells did not occur until 1987.

Families harmed by Camp Lejeune cancer can now exercise their legal right to demand justice. The Camp Lejeune Justice Act finally allows victims of Camp Lejeune cancer to have their rightful day in court and seek the compensation they need and deserve.

If You or a Loved One Lived or Worked at Camp Lejeune You May Be Entitled To Damages.

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At Last, Veterans and Families Are Entitled to Compensation for Camp Lejeune Cancer

Camp Lejeune toxic water

Marines and their families were exposed to toxins in water at Camp Lejeune from the 1950s to the 1980s

Camp Lejeune Water Attorneys

We have a track record of winning large settlements on behalf of American families through major litigation

Toxic Water Exposure Camp Lejeune

Approximately 900,000 individuals were exposed to a risk for cancer through toxic water at Camp Lejeune

Millions for Camp Lejeune Claims

We have successfully recovered over $100 million for class action lawsuit clients

Camp Lejeune Lawsuits

The U.S. Government owes families compensation for harm caused decades ago

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